Cruzin Magazine #269
On sale in Newsagents Thursday, Sep 28, 2023
Venom - Matthew Olver 1934 Ford 3W Coupe
Cherry Bomb - Rex Bennetts 1953 Ford Victoria
Fun with Watcha Brung - Carralbyn Air Strip Drags, QLD
Hiboy ‘n’ Heels - Holly Orel 1930 Ford Model A Coupe
Mills & Co - Ron Mills 1932 Ford 5W Coupe
Highway Havoc - Highway Havoc Bike & Skate Show
Olds Cool - Kim Holbrook 1957 Oldsmobile 88 Coupe
Comfort Zone - Benny Stitch / Southside Stitching
Car Kraft - Bernie Walsh (AUS)
Cruzin the Salt - Bonneville / Richard Assen
The Glovebox - The Barnstormers (AUS)
Model Citizens - Tony Parker / Aaron Joynt
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