Chrysler TorqueFlite A904 and A727 Transmissions: How to Rebuild

The A-904 and A-727, debuting in 1960 and 1962, respectively, are 3-speed automatic Chrysler TorqueFlite Transmissions. In Mopar circles, they have become synonymous with strength, durability, and performance. In fact, 43 years after its first application, A-904s were still found in the Jeep lineup!
TorqueFlites are known for their dependability, but many have endured a tremendous amount of abuse over 50-plus years when hooked up to V-8 Mopar powerplants. There is little doubt that some of these automatics could be prone to failure, or at least need a thorough rebuild. Tom Hand shares his decades of experience rebuilding TorqueFlite transmissions with chapters dedicated to troubleshooting, disassembly and reassembly, performance modifications, post-installation procedures, and the most thorough source guide offered in print, ever.
Hand walks you through the TorqueFlite rebuild with color photos showcasing step-by-step procedures with highly detailed, easy-to-follow text. This book will keep money in your pocket and add experience to your r sum , but more important, it will help you get your Mopar back on the road!
Format: Softcover, 208 pages
Author: Tom Hand
ISBN: 9781613253359